Empowering students & educators for a brighter future.

We work to promote educational, scientific, and charitable activities in the fields of surveying, mapping, and land information sciences.

We seek to do this by providing financial support, in the form of scholarships and grants, to students entering the profession and to educators and others who advance and improve the profession and its standing with the general public in the State of Washington.

LSAW Foundation Mission


The LSAW Foundation exists to provide a means whereby people interested in advancing the profession could work together to provide financial assistance to deserving students, educators and others who work to enhance the standing of the profession in Washington State.

Scholarship Spotlights:

Jim Coan Memorial Scholarship

In August of 2021, we unexpectedly lost Jim Coan. To say that Jim was a notable Washington Professional Land Surveyor, and an extremely talented educator, barely scratches the surface. Jim was known as one of the leaders in the Washington land survey community, particularly when it comes to educating future generations. In Jim’s honor, a Jim Coan Memorial Scholarship has been initiated. Huge shoutout to 1 Alliance Geomatics for championing this effort and a big thanks to the many other donors who also contributed to this fund.

This scholarship will be handled differently than our other scholarships. It will be a competitive scholarship, awarded anually to an exceptional college student enrolled in a Washington State survey program with a GPA of 3.0 or better.

John W. Linzee Memorial Scholarship

In October of 2024, John W. Linzee passed away unexpectedly following surgery. More details will be coming soon, but the family has expressed a desire to honor his memory by establishing a memorial scholarship in his name. In the short term, the family has asked that anyone interested in honoring John at this time, please do so by considering a donation to the LSAW Foundation in his name.

John was a long-time supporter of education, and doing what he could to help students pursuing a career in Land Surveying.

2024 Giving Tuesday Campaign

Don’t miss out on this year's Giving Tuesday Campaign. Giving Tuesday was created as a simple idea- a day that encourages people to do good.

we are asking land surveyors across the state to show their generosity and support for the students who make up our future workforce. Please make a tax-deductible contribution to the LSAW Foundation (a 501(c)(3) foundation) and help support our efforts to educate future surveyors.

Mark your calendar for December 3, 2024 to make your online donation!